History lesson part two - IU gyms: The Old Gymnasium


Written By: Bill Murphy

Since the original Assembly Hall was falling into disrepair, both the students and faculty marched for a new gymnasium for the athletes. The alumni and university personnel also lobbied for a new gymnasium. When C P Hutchins came to IU in 1911, he hired E O Jumbo Stiehm as football coach and athletic director. They would take part in a major upgrading of the Indiana athletics program. It was decided to build a new gymnasium in 1914 at a cost of $250,000. The construction of the new Men's Gymnasium would take a little over a year, and the 240-by,,-328-,foot Tudor Gothic structure was completed in 1916.

The first game in the new gymnasium would take place in January 1917.

January 19, 1917 was a day of festive excitement as Indiana University celebrated it's 97th birthday with a Founder's day observance. The celebration was led by university president William Lowe Bryan, who called off classes for the day. That night, the Hoosiers hosted the Iowa Hawkeyes in the new gymnasium. Coach Guy Lowman had his team ready to play, and Indiana won one of the lowest scoring games in IU history. Final score being 12- 7 with 2,400 fans watching, IU led 5-4 at halftime. The new gymnasium would remain the home of Indiana basketball for 12 seasons.

Indiana played its final game in the Men's Gymnasium on March 3, 1928, against Big Ten rival Michigan. The Hoosiers defeated Michigan 36-34 to close out the history of the Men's Gymnasium. In that game, future Hall of Fame coach and player Branch McCracken scored 14 points for IU.

Today, you can walk into the old Fieldhouse, walk up the stairs enter the Men's Gymnasium and see where the Hoosiers played from 1917 to 1928.