Hoosiers-United and Indiana All For You partnership: A Fan Group Experience
Written By: Ben Malcomson (@iuheartland)
When Chris Corley (@chriscorley_3) and I first started our website, it was something of a dream come true for the both of us. We desired to reach that ability to provide content for IU athletics with the free will to control what that content consisted of. Whether it be writing, podcasting, or other forms of entertainment, we have enjoyed the journey from where we started a little over a year ago.
History and the origin of is important to me - I think Chris would agree with me as well. We never forgot where we first started getting more involved with IU athletics on this level. For us, it really all began with the Facebook fan groups. One of those groups is entitled “Indiana All For You". A collection of Hoosier fans dedicated to support all forms of Indiana athletic programs. From softball and swim and dive to men’s/women’s basketball, baseball, and football, they have you covered. We were about supporting all and providing an outlet for fans to connect and share information and their experiences. Currently, their fan group is home to over 4,000+ members and counting.
Indiana All For You on Facebook
Indiana All For You on Twitter
Before we get thoughts from the administrators of the group themselves, let me first provide you with the links to join these groups:
****For Facebook users, please click here to find and join the group (Note: It is a closed group, so that means you have to request membership to join - the group is free to join): Indiana All For You on Facebook
****For Twitter users, please click here to find and follow the group: Indiana All For You on Twitter
What is Indiana All For You about?
IAFY Administrator Aaron “Hoosier” Rath: “To me, IAFY is an informative fan base that provides updates on Hoosier athletics and to share pictures, news, funnies in reference to IU.”
IAFY Administrator Matt Robling: “What it is for me is a place where we can show our love and share our thoughts about all things Indiana Hoosiers! #24sports1team! A place where we can get to know other Hoosier fans that have that same common interest.”
IAFY Administrator Josh Witt: “Indiana All For You means "Indiana University fans" in general. If there's an IU sport you follow, there's room for sharing and open discussion in the IAFY group.”
IAFY Administrator Matthew Poe: “A page to where you can follow IU athletics and be able to enjoy yourself with other fans.”
IAFY Administrator Teri Watkins: “Indiana All for You is for fan engagement group for all things IU. Our primary commentary is sports-related but also promote other IU activities and interests to the group. It is an online meeting place where people can join in and share in successes of Indiana University.”
IAFY Administrator Amanda Pavelka: “Indiana All for You is where nearly 4,000+ ride or die IU fans discuss IU athletics, both positive and negative, just being realistic.”
IAFY Administrator Brian Schum: “Indiana All For You is a group where all IU fans are welcome to share articles, ideas, and opinions on all things Hoosier-related.”
IAFY Founder and Administrator Jason Rager: “Indiana All For You is a Facebook group that allows people who share the same passion for Indiana athletics to connect and share. A place where you can find info, as well as, talk amongst other Hoosier fans including some players & parents of players.”
IAFY Administrator Brent May: “I.A.F.U. is a social media platform designed to bring fans of Indiana University Athletics together to cheer on our favorite college teams.”
IAFY Administrator Chris Corley: “Indiana All For You is exactly what the name suggests. Yes, it is a site that has administrators that provide information they’ve acquired through various sources, but it is also a place that allows its members to share their thoughts and opinions, and also ask questions.”
What Are The Positives of being a part of This fan group?
IAFY Administrator Aaron “Hoosier” Rath: “Being a part of a fan group, I have met a lot of nice people and have been kept up to date on what has been going on with IU, from neat IU gear to IU history but most of all sharing our IU feelings in a positive constructive manner.”
IAFY Administrator Matt Robling: “That you can talk about different sports with fellow Hoosiers. A place where even some of the family members of the student athletes, some of the student athletes themselves, and former Hoosier athletes want to be a part of!”
IAFY Administrator Josh Witt: “The benefits include learning about potential recruits, current news with teams and schedules, events and just having a place for open dialogue during, before and after games.”
IAFY Administrator Matthew Poe: “The reason why being on here is there is literally no drama between members. And, if there are problems or issues, an admin handles it quickly.”
IAFY Administrator Teri Watkins: “Being a part of Indiana All For You helps to create a sense of unity and comradeship with other Hoosiers. Hopefully, this can lead to conversation and awareness of our university.”
IAFY Administrator Brian Schum: “The positives to being part of a fan group are you find out things that maybe you wouldn't otherwise. Some people see things before others and are able to share with everyone so that we can all see whats going on.”
IAFY Founder and Administrator Jason Rager: “The positives of being in the group is you realize just how big of a support group there is. Not just in the state of Indiana, but all across the United States.”
IAFY Administrator Brent May: “Being able to network with fellow fans, set up get-togethers, and even exchange game tickets on occasions.”
IAFY Administrator Chris Corley: “Some of the positives of a fan group are the discussions with like-minded Hoosier fans. Meeting people from all over that you never would in your everyday life, solely because you share the same passion for IU. IU athletics is a 365 day a year thing for most of us, and this is a place to help fuel that passion with others, and possibly ignite it in new fans.”
What has made the fan group experience special to you?
IAFY Administrator Aaron “Hoosier” Rath: “What is special about this group is the admins I have gotten to know on here and some of the fans. Able to meet up in person and share IU experiences.”
IAFY Administrator Matt Robling: “Getting to know some really good people and having a way to connect with such a large group of Hoosiers. It is great to see all of the support! Go Hoosiers!!!”
IAFY Administrator Josh Witt: “It's been special for me, as an admin, to have a place that's (primarily) IU basketball heavy, without any nasty comments or name calling. That's (unfortunately) a big deal nowadays. It's been like an extended second family with some of our members. It's a getaway with all things IU, which is exactly what I want in an IU fan group. I've been in, and am currently in others, but IAFY is, to me, the best of the bunch. Freedom, relative information, and a positive environment.”
IAFY Administrator Teri Watkins: “I joined the group because I like the discussion that the three founders had on other pages and they were very welcoming to me bringing some of the IU women's sports to the discussion. Since joining, many of them have attended women's games. Many members of the group have become close friends.”
IAFY Administrator Amanda Pavelka: “IAFY is the best IU fan group on Facebook because of the relationships the administrators have with IU insiders and the media, being that three administrators are or have been credentialed themselves.”
IAFY Administrator Brian Schum: “This fan group in particular has been special to me because IU has always been one of the biggest things in my life. One of the first phrases I said as a kid was "Yucky Tucky" so I got that hate for UK very early. But, most of all, I love the feeling that we are one big Hoosier family and I have become friends with several people on this page. I love that we are creating lifelong connections between Hoosier fans.”
****For Facebook users, please click here to find and join the group (Note: It is a closed group, so that means you have to request membership to join - the group is free to join): Indiana All For You on Facebook
****For Twitter users, please click here to find and follow the group: Indiana All For You on Twitter